
Ski Accident Reconstruction

Ski accident reconstruction is a specialized field that combines the principles of physics, engineering, and kinematics to understand the causes of ski accidents. One of the key aspects of ski accident reconstruction is the analysis of the terrain where the accident occurred. This involves examining the slope gradient, the presence of obstacles, and the snow conditions, as these factors can affect the skier’s speed and trajectory. CGE has developed specialized techniques involving laser scanning, photogrammetry, and the use of USGS lidar data to develop accurate 3D terrain models. Additionally, analysis of physical evidence, such as the skis, snowboards and equipment, can provide valuable information about the position of skiers involved in the accident. CGE utilizes the principles of conservation of momentum and conservation of energy to analyze the forces involved in the accident and determine the skier’s speed and direction of travel. By combining these different types of analyses, ski accident reconstruction experts can provide valuable insights into the causes of ski accidents.

ski terrain